Gina Fitzsimmons

In 2017 Gina was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Since then she has involved herself in the cancer community, in various ways. Gina is passionate about sharing her own story to raise awareness and inspire others, to have hope. She has been a faithful supporter of the annual Believe Walk, Relay for Life, and The CARE Project, Inc. Gina has worked at Toyota for over twenty years and has been instrumental in educating her fellow employees, by bringing in special guests to share their breast cancer stories, including Carrie Madrid, President of The CARE Project, Inc.

Gina has been serving as a Survivor Mentor for The CARE Project, Inc. for the past few years. She volunteers for our special events and Survivor Socials. Her nonprofit experience as a Director on the Board for Christmas Cheer All Year, a nonprofit for underprivileged children, shows just how big her heart to serve is. Gina’s son Matthew was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 3 in 2001.  Gina along with Matthew, has also spent many years advocating and mentoring with Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.. Gina believes in turning your tragedies into triumphs and giving back every opportunity you have.

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