News & Events

In The News: 2025 K Love

Jeanice Lee talks to Carrie Madrid, Founder and President of The CARE Project Inc. Madrid shares her personal story that inspired her to create this organization to fill the gap in helping women and men going through breast cancer. She shares how they assist with co-pays, utility and cell phone bills, compression garments for lymphedema […]

In the News: 2023 Press Enterprise

The Care Project in Riverside helps breast cancer patients ‘fill in the gaps’ December 15th, 2023 By Greg Archer | Contributing Columnist The Care Project, Inc. in Riverside will reach its 10-year anniversary in fall 2024, but there’s already a great deal to celebrate. The nonprofit organization rose from humble beginnings to emotionally and financially […]

In the News: 2021 Press Enterprise

The CARE Project, Inc. helps breast cancer patients, survivors with finances The nonprofit group offers grants for utility bills, rental assistance and co-payments April 23, 2021 In 2012, Carrie Madrid was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer. She was divorced and raising her three children with little child support. Working from home, she was able […]

Video: Yoga Nidra with Michelle

The Care Project, Inc. is building a YouTube channel where we will be uploading videos of our yoga teacher, panel discussions, etc. The Care Project, Inc. YouTube Channel Guided meditation that helps you destress and can help you achieve a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the “going-to-sleep” stage. Great to wind down […]

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